616-475-5881 info@rpmins.org

Teaching English is one of the most practical ways we can help our neighbors. Routine activities of life are challenging when a language barrier is present. As the barrier breaks down, everyday activities become easier, frustrations are lowered, and residents can make better decisions in their life choices.

Beginning and intermediate classes are offered. We depend on volunteers for teaching and tutoring, and they come from local colleges, churches, and some are previous clients. We also offer weekly one-on-one tutoring for students who would like even more practice with their English.

To enroll in an ESL class, a placement test is required to know the students’ level of English to be placed in the appropriate class. Please make an appointment to come to Roosevelt Park Ministries and take the placement test before you begin coming to class.

We are currently not taking new students for the Winter 2022 semester. You are welcome to contact us and leave your contact information so we can place you on the waiting list. We will contact you once registrations open. Summer classes are scheduled to start on May 24th and registering in advance is required. 

*Must become a member of Roosevelt Park Ministries 


Call us at (616) 475-5881 to register and obtain details about annual membership for programs and services.

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